Recently members of the ‘Private Life’ crew traveled to Ojai, California to scout locations for the most challenging location needed in the film: a suspended footbridge high over a chasm. (Greg was also excited to visit Ojai for the very first time as this is where Jaime Sommers lived on the 70’s television show “The Bionic Woman.”)
Greg and crew were fortunate to meet Patrick S. O’Donnell early in their search for a suitable location. Patrick is a suspension bridge enthusiast with an impressive collection of photos and profiles of bridges all over North America. (www.flickr.com/photos/suspensionstayed/) With Patrick’s help our crew was able to identify a handful of potential bridges, including the one featured in the pictures above. This is a privately owned bridge in Ojai was designed for use when the vehicle bridge upstream washes out during high water times. Without this bridge people would be stranded on the far side of the river.
Greg, along with our cinematographer Matt, visual effects supervisor Leandro and production designer Emiliano, studied and photographed the bridge; trying to determine whether the bridge can be transformed into the dangerous set piece needed for our story through the right angles, set dressing and visual effects. This bridge is one of many potential locations our dedicated crew is studying and and searching for as we move closer to production.
Keep an eye on our blog and our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/privatelifemovie) for more updates!
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